Barcode Scanners on Racks. Depot Repair. Advance Exchange. Spares pool management.
Maximize Uptime With A Pool Of Reliable Devices

Spares pool management is a way to ensure that critical spare parts are available for quick repair or replacement of faulty components, minimizing downtime.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a reliable pool of preconfigured devices ready at a moment’s notice is not just convenient; it’s critical. Our Spares Pool Management program is designed to ensure that your operations never skip a beat, whether the devices are provided by us or come from your own inventory.

We understand the importance of seamless integration and uninterrupted operations. That’s why we offer a tailored solution where each device in the spares pool is configured to your specific settings and applications. This means reduced downtime and increased productivity for your team, as replacement devices are ready to go, exactly when and where you need them.

How It Works

Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment

We start by assessing the specific needs and requirements of your business, including device types, applications, configurations, failure-rates and operating environment. We will also analyze your current device inventory to determine if additional devices are needed or if existing devices can be integrated into the spares pool.

Device Procurement and Configuration

Based on the needs assessment, we will provide a service recommendation. We offer two options: customer-provided spares pool and TSI-provided spares pool. We will procure the required devices from your own pool or our spares pool, depending on what is most cost-effective. Devices are preconfigured with the necessary settings and applications as per the client’s specifications, ensuring they are ready for immediate deployment.

Pool Setup and Management

A dedicated spares pool is set up at our headquarters. We manage the inventory of the spares pool, ensuring devices are maintained, ready for use, and easily accessible.

Rapid Deployment and Replacement

When a device is needed, we ensure a preconfigured replacement from the spares pool is quickly deployed to minimize downtime. Clients can access replacement devices from the spares pool with minimal administrative hassle, ensuring smooth operations.

Continuous Monitoring and Updating

We continuously monitor the spares pool to ensure devices are in optimal condition and ready for deployment. Devices in the pool are regularly updated with the latest software and configuration changes as required.

Reporting and Feedback

We provide detailed reports on device usage, performance, and replacement history to help clients make informed decisions and monitor spares inventory levels. We also regularly implement feedback from clients to refine and improve the spares pool management process.

FAST, RELIABLE, HASSLE-FREE Submit an inquiry or call to speak with one of our customer service representatives to find a service agreement that’s right for you.